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Thursday 9 June 2011

A lovely picnic!

The vegan picnic was a wonderful event for us who attended! We found a beautiful place on one of the decks beside Nahoon beach and we had plenty of pretty and tasteful food as well as a lovely chocolate cake and small chocalte balls as dessert.

If you are interested to join next time we do this, please let us know by posting a comment here or contact Angela.

Friday 20 May 2011

Vegan Picnic Sun 29th May

Welcome to a vegan picnic! The purpose is to have nice time together and enjoy great shared food. If people are interested this could be done regularly e.g. once a month.

Everyone brings something vegan to eat. It could be both some cold food dish or something sweet as a cake.

Time: Sunday the 29th of May at 13.00
Venue: Nahoon Point. We meet at the parking at the top carpark above Nahoon corner (not at the Footprints café carpark) and walk together to one of the decks. (If its too windy we can go to James Pearce Park).

Friday 11 March 2011

6 Ways To Handle Antagonistic Animal-Eaters

Sometimes we vegetarians face meat eaters who are provoced by our choice and want to discuss. Here is a text about different ways you can choose to handle it:

Saturday 26 February 2011

Vegetarian Network starts!

Are you a vegetarian or vegan? You have probably felt alone and odd somethimes surrounded by a meat eating community. The aim of this network is to provide a place where you can meet other veggies (physically or through the web). If there is interest it can also serve as a starting point for a group working for animal rights here in East London.